Crime statistics 2022

Presentation of PKS 2022
Crime statistics 2022
At a press conference on Tuesday (21.02.2023), the head of the authority, District Administrator Mario Löhr, and the Head of the Crime Directorate, Police Senior Councillor Stefan Heimbuch, presented the 2022 crime statistics for the Unna district police authority.

Here is a brief summary of the most important points:


Overall crime on the rise

The drivers here are thefts and assaults in the simple to medium crime range. Nevertheless, the crime rate in the district (excluding Lünen) is well below the national average.

Special crime areas

The figures for burglaries are stagnating. Crimes against older people committed by supra-regional offenders (SÄM-ÜT) are particularly harmful to society and therefore continue to be a focus for the authorities. There has also been a significant increase in resistance offenses.

Clear-up rate

Contrary to the national trend, the clearance rate in our area of responsibility has increased significantly. This illustrates the quality of police work in the face of increasing quantitative demands.

Police assessment

The preventive approaches that have already been successfully applied are to be further intensified. The cross-directorate bundling of repressive measures is intended to reduce the crime rate.

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