Presentation of the Kempen district service, PHK Arno Wefers

PHK Arno Wefers
Presentation of the Kempen district service, PHK Arno Wefers
PHK Arno Wefers joined our district service team in Kempen at the beginning of January 2021. He introduces himself personally:
Viersen police/Michael Radloff

My name is Arno Wefers, I am 54 years old, married and have two grown-up sons. To keep fit, I like to play tennis or cycle.

I've been a police officer for 38 years. After my training in Wuppertal, I first spent 2 years with the task force in Bochum and then 5 years in Düsseldorf in property protection and alternating guard duty. In 1992, at my request, I moved to Kempen police station, where I have been working in the guard rotation service ever since.

In my day-to-day work, I got to know the whole range of police operations and acquired good local knowledge. However, there was often no time to answer people's questions because the next assignment was often already waiting.

I am really looking forward to my new area of responsibility because it gives me the opportunity to take time for the concerns of citizens of all generations. The people in my new district can and should approach me without hesitation - I will help wherever I can.


The road safety of our children and young people is particularly important to me, so one focus of my work will be in the area of elementary school and daycare centers.


We wish PHK Arno Wefers a good start in his new district.


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