The perpetrators pose online as potential partners and play on their victims' feelings and expressions of trust in order to obtain money. This can be done using various methods, such as fake love letters, romantic chats, fake identities or stories of financial hardship.
We have a few tips on how you can protect yourself against love scamming:
- Be careful with your personal information
Don't give out personal information too early, such as your address or bank details. Also be careful about sharing intimate photos or videos - Verify the identity of the person
Try to verify the person's identity by asking for information they have given you. Use search engines and social networks to look for clues to their authenticity. Be suspicious if the person does not allow face-to-face meetings or video calls. - Be wary of financial demands
If your online partner asks you for money or needs financial support, be extremely careful. Never give money to someone you have met online and whom you do not fully trust. - Be suspicious
Love scammers often try to create a quick and intense emotional connection. Be skeptical if your online partner says "I love you" too quickly or exerts too much emotional pressure. - Melden Sie verdächtige Aktivitäten
Wenn Sie den Verdacht haben, Opfer von Love-Scamming zu sein, melden Sie dies umgehend der Polizei und den Plattformen, auf denen Sie den Betrüger kennengelernt haben. Dadurch können Sie andere potenzielle Opfer schützen. - Stay up to date
Find out about the latest scam methods and tactics to better protect yourself. The Civilian Heroes website provides information on many scams.
In the end, it is important to follow your gut feeling. If something seems suspicious or you have doubts, trust your instincts and be careful.