Reports Deployment

Thanks to new additional functions, there are more possible uses for the drones.
Reports Deployment
The NRW police are on duty 24/7 to ensure safety throughout the state. Depending on the mission, they have the latest technology, animal support and special expertise with them.
With animals
and technology
From slope
to village
Close to the citizens, contact persons day and night - this is what characterizes the work of the district service. Portrait of police officer Stefan Willmes, who is also popular with schoolchildren.
Niklas Beermann has received a certificate. It is awarded every year at the beginning of winter. The first person to report a ski theft receives this award. The police in Winterberg treat themselves to a little joke. Some things are different in North Rhine-Westphalia's highest police station than i...
The police officers in the special units (SE) are neither Rambos nor superheroes. They simply want to do their job professionally. And remain anonymous in the process. Because their opponents are often terrorists, people running amok or heavily armed criminals from organized crime.
in another
Julia Cherkas came to Germany from Ukraine as a small child. Her language skills were never as valuable as when she visited refugee shelters in the Mettmann district.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110