Questions and answers about cycling

Viktor and Viktoria answer questions
Questions and answers about cycling
Our new mascots Viktor and Viktoria answer questions about cycling. What are cyclists allowed to do and what do they have to do? Lots of questions and lots of answers...
Viersen police / Mi. Radloff

We have noticed that cycling and cycling accidents interest you.

We are particularly interested in this topic! One of our police priorities here in Viersen is to reduce accidents involving cyclists.

We have noticed that there are some legal uncertainties about what cyclists are allowed to do - and what not.

We would therefore like to take this opportunity in future to try and provide a little more legal clarity and remind everyone that the top priority in road traffic is mutual consideration.

This means, to make it very clear once again: Even if the cyclist may be riding on the wrong side of the road on the cycle path, this is no excuse if an accident occurs when pulling out of a driveway. The cyclist could also be a pedestrian, who may well be coming from the wrong direction!

Nevertheless, cyclists must also obey the rules, and they should do so in their own interest, because they are the weaker ones, and experience shows that collisions with vehicles hurt the weaker ones!

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