Speed: checks are a must - throughout the district

Brake yourself - save lives!
Speed: checks are a must - throughout the district
Rules help to prevent accidents and avert great suffering.
Defensive behavior in road traffic is important and protects cyclists and pedestrians in particular.
We must pay particular attention to our children, who often misjudge speeds and distances as novice road users!

Viersen police

The myth that police officers collect "diligence points" in order to be promoted sooner is still not completely dead in the minds of the "victims". Even the coffers of the police stations or local police authorities are still not filled with a single penny from the fines or penalties, despite repeated claims to the contrary.

Speed checks are a must - for the protection of us all.

Very often we measure uniformed and accompanied by radio patrol cars. However, speed measurements carried out by civilian forces and from civilian cars are not a disguise, which would be characteristic of a "trap". We do not disguise ourselves as "road builders" or mobile home owners, but simply perform our duties in civilian clothing. However, we are increasingly being offered camouflage by local residents who are delighted with our efforts. They often use their forensic "expertise" and offer to help with the operation, for example by parking their vehicles appropriately so that speeders don't spot us too quickly.

It is understandable that some of these helpful citizens elsewhere might be less enthusiastic if they themselves are caught speeding during a check. Elsewhere, as "speeders", they too only feel like "road users who have been reprimanded".
And so it is in the nature of "speed measurements" and in human nature that this police measure is generally quite unpopular with the public, at least with those who "get caught" as drivers themselves.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110