It's in your hands - better not!
It's in your hands - better not!
On the bike: keep your hands off your cell phone!
Everyone knows that there must be a reason why using a smartphone on a bike is prohibited.
So why do so many people - especially young people - ride with their cell phones in their hands on the handlebars?

A female officer and three officers from Viersen police station asked themselves this question some time ago. Their second question was: And how can we get people to stop doing this?

The campaign "It's in your hands - better not!" was born out of many individual ideas.

Campaign "You have it in your hands - better not!" - is running

We've been waiting almost exactly a year to finally get started. Corona made it impossible. Instead of March 1, 2020, we started on March 22, 2021, using our video and posters to draw the attention of young cyclists in particular to the dangers of cell phones on handlebars.

We have now arrived at the third stop in Kempen on our tour through the district of Viersen. We've already been to Viersen and Willich, and Nettetal will follow at the beginning of June.

These four towns are still the most affected by accidents involving children and young people on bicycles - even if the overall level has fortunately fallen across the district in recent years. In 2016, the district of Viersen was the district in the country with the highest risk of accidents for young cyclists in relation to the population.

In the "VORKIDS" project (Viersen safety offensive for children cycling in road traffic), this problem has been scientifically investigated since 2017. With the result that there is no "one" cause for the accidents, but that there are many different things that all road users can do to make cycling safer in the district of Viersen.

One of these things is to leave your cell phone in your pocket when cycling.

"I am glad that the scientific analysis has not remained the only thing, but that we are continuing here in the district of Viersen," said District Administrator Dr. Andreas Coenen at the launch of the campaign. "We want to continue our work and bring what is important to the minds and hearts of young people."

He thanked the four initiators of the campaign for their ideas and implementation. He was also delighted that the Realschule an der Josefskirche is now available as the first "partner" in the project. 

Seventh graders Janik and Alexia were the first to see the posters outside their school and now want to spread the idea to their classmates. As part of the work of the road safety advisors, other schools will gradually be included and will be able to show the video and posters and talk to their pupils about the topic.

Enjoy watching our campaign video


Address at the start of the campaign
District Administrator Dr. Andreas Coenen

How the campaign came about

A young colleague and three colleagues thought about what they could do after a service meeting to better reach young people so that their cell phones stay in their pockets and no longer pose a danger on their bikes.

The slogan "You've got it in your hand - better not!" was born. Initially with a single image, but shortly afterwards with the idea of producing a video clip to shake people up.

Because one thing is clear: attention is the be-all and end-all when cycling. Even if a cyclist does not cause an accident themselves, but is the victim of an accident - there is no crumple zone that can mitigate injuries.

Why are we doing this?

Campaign video
It's in your hands - better not!
Hannah Langer tells us.

How did it all start?

Simon Büchel remembers.

We are making a film - to reach young cyclists.

David-Leon Bohl reports.

We have enjoyed our work and now hope that you young people will take our video clip to heart.

Christoph Bermel takes stock.
We have arrived in Willich...
Wir sind mit der Kampagne "Du hast es in der Hand - besser nicht!" in der zweiten von vier Städten im Kreis Viersen angekommen. Seit dem 21. April stehen unsere Plakate in Willich.
Campaign launch for the new school year in Brüggen

Am 18. April startete die Kampagne an der Gesamtschule in Brüggen. 15 Schülerinnen und Schüler konnten ihre Fähigkeiten an einem Pedelec-Simulator unter Beweis stellen. 

Wie reagiere ich, wenn ich fahre und gleichzeitig auf dem Handy eine Nachricht schreibe?


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